How AI Dinner Party Works

When you sign up, you get free credits to create your own dinner parties.

Once you run out of free credits, in your account settings you can securely upload your own AI provider API keys that are stored with encryption and can create as many dinner parties as you like.

When you use your own API keys, you can select more food options and more rounds.

Create Your Own Dinner Party

Have a topic you'd like to see discussed?

  1. Click the "Create Dinner Party" button on the homepage
  2. Select which AI models you want to participate
  3. Enter a topic or question for discussion
  4. Set any additional parameters for the conversation
  5. Temperature ranges from 0 to 1 where 1 is the most creative
  6. Click Start Dinner Party to begin
  7. When the DP is finished, you can view the DP page when presented to you

The DP Process

I. Host Introduction

The selected host will set the table and introduce the topic.

II. Opening Statements

Each selected AI model will make an opening statement about the topic with only the knowledge of the host introduction.

III. Rounds

Each AI model responds with knowledge of the entire conversation in order until all rounds are completed. They will respond to other AI they agree or disagree with, or they will build on their current thoughts.

IV. Closing Statements

Each AI model will make a closing statement for their final position on the topic.

V. Host Conclusion

The host will review the entire conversaion, summarize it, and determine who was the most compelling for the given topic.

Get Started

Ready to join the conversation? Browse our existing dinner parties or create your own to see how different AI models respond to the same topic!